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Lego®- based Therapy Resources. Sorting. Organising.

Updated: May 29, 2023

Storing Bricks. Organising Resources. Lego®-based Therapy Resources. Bea Inclusive TV and Podcast Episode 014

Hi there,

In the last episode of Bea Inclusive TV, I gave you a few ideas on supporting non-verbal children with challenging behaviour.

I’m returning to Lego® based Therapy topic and the most popular post on my FACEBOOK group this week.

In this episode of Bea Inclusive TV, you will:

  1. Find out about the way I sort and store your Lego® bricks.

  2. Find out the review of the Lego Captain America collaborative set.

If you are new to me – my name is Bea, and this VLOG is dedicated to advocating truly inclusive school provision through well-researched, safe and recommended approaches such as Lego® based Therapy.

So, I invite you to follow my journey in creating genuinely inclusive provision that helps you support children and develop your skills. Are you ready? Let's go!

I could tell you hundreds of true stories about Lego® based Therapy that show the creative, ground-breaking & original ways schools use this approach to help, educate & support children. We know that Lego® based Therapy can play a central role in changing someone's life for the better within the world of education.

Many schools use Lego® based Therapy to overcome some of their student's limitations, but this approach works best when access to all students when delivered in the right way.

Even though I love Lego® bricks and all the different themes, games, and activities, I know that the most important part of this intervention is the Lego®- based Therapy Facilitator. You! You and your facilitator skills.

A trained specialist can deliver a child-centred and evidenced-based approach to all children as he is prepared to work with the most vulnerable ones he can get in his setting. Somebody who can assess children's skills, target deficit skills, plan the support through the play and evidence children's progress.

I could tell you all of that, but today I will talk about how you sort and store your Lego®, which will depend on many factors such as what kind of Lego® you have, how many groups you are facilitating for or how old they are.

If you, like me, are working with people aged 4-99, you must consider a few necessary things.

But no matter what Lego® you have and with whom you work, there are four simple rules to remember that will save you money and keep you organised.

There are four different groups of Lego® resources that you must keep separate.

1. The loose bricks

2. The collaborative sets

3. Mini-Figures

4. The board games and activities

Let me start with the Collaborative Sets. They are the most popular with children, and you don't want to lose pieces as you will need to spend time purchasing the replacement.

So remember to keep them separately from the loose bricks and store them in plastic containers or zipped plastic folders. This is how I hold my sets. This is a small box with the picture representation on the top so I can give children choices and find everything easily. I would like to provide you with one extra piece of advice. When you purchase your new set, make sure that you copy and laminate the building instruction. This will help you avoid the hassle of finding the instruction replacement online, printing and laminating, saving you time.

The loose Lego® bricks best work when sorted into colours, which is how it can look.

Mini-Figures (I like displaying them and taking them when needed). I use them every day!

The giant and most crucial part of my Lego®- based therapy are activities and games that I create to target deficit skills such as the theory of my mind, communication, and social skills. You name it! You can target every possible skill through LBTH. When I create and make a game, I store it in a plastic portfolio bag or zipped bag with the necessary bricks to play it.

I also have a box of mixed Lego® bricks to play board games.

Simple, isn't it? Before I finish this short video, tell me about the Captain America Collaborative set building.

Lego®-based Therapy resources. Captain America Review.
Lego®-based Therapy resources. Captain America Review.

This week, we had plenty of fun building our new collaborative set, Captain America. Please check my review if you would like to make this with your children. I was excited as I love Captain America. This is also my son’s favourite Avengers, and I think, for many young children, the role model. The building process lasted 1 hour and 10 minutes, so you will need at least two sessions to accomplish this with your children. There are a few tricky bits that we struggled with but otherwise fantastic project. We had a friendly family chat about Captain America as a good role model.

There you have it!

I’m curious how are you storing your resources? What are you doing differently? Please feel free to post pictures of your storage.

Please comment below the video and consider subscribing to my channel, as this will help me to create more videos like this one, and more people will be able to learn for FREE. Please do not forget to hit the like button.

Until the next time

Love and xxx



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