Lego®-based Therapy. Bea Inclusive TV and Podcast. Episode 004
In this episode, I will tackle 5 Myths about Lego®-based Therapy:
1. First, Lego®-based Therapy should only be delivered to children with autism.
2. Second, Lego®-based Therapy should only be offered in groups of three.
3. Third, Lego®-based Therapy works only for primary-age children.
4. Fourth, you cannot assess the skills and provide evidence of the child’s progress.
Hey There
Today I will tackle five myths about Lego®-based Therapy.
My name is Beata Bednarska, and welcome to Bea Inclusive TV and Bea Inclusive Podcast.
This is the place to learn and develop your skills so you can teach and support children to improve their social communication skills.
I receive a lot of emails about Lego®-based Therapy from people who would like to run their therapy but still exploring this intervention.
I’ve extracted 5 most common statements from the emails, and I will tackle them in this episode of Bea Inclusive Tv and Podcast.
If you would like to check your knowledge about Lego®-based Therapy, then you can pause this video and answer the questions yourself.
I will wait.
OK! Welcome back! I hope that you had fun and you answered all the questions.
Let’s check if you were right.
Statement no 1 – Lego®-based Therapy should only be delivered for children with autism.
I wonder what you’ve said but the answer is NO.
Even though Lego®-based Therapy was originally created to help children with autism this therapy works extremely well with all children with special needs as well as those who are typically developed but emotionally immature, with low-esteem and low self-worth, lacking in social skills, expressing challenging behaviour or for children that learn English as an additional language.
Statement no 2 – Lego®-based Therapy should only be delivered in groups of three.
This is a very classic way of delivering Lego®-based Therapy but the answer is NO.
This play therapy is very flexible and the number of children in a group varies and it depends on the level that their accessing, their needs and skills.
You can use Lego®-based Therapy to teach one to one or in pairs (for example when you’re supporting language development).
I like teaching children in groups of 4-5 children.
If you running advance groups you can also teach simultaneously three groups of 3-4 children in each group.
You can also use this therapy in the whole classroom.
Exciting isn’t it?
Statement no 3 – Lego®-based Therapy works only for primary age children.
This is definitely a Myth.
Lego-based Therapy could be delivered and works well with people from age 4+ to 104
What’s different when delivering to children, youngsters, adults or elderly people is the use of language and complexity of the activities. That’s all! Really!
Statement no 4 – There is no way you can assess the skills and provide the evidence of the child’s progress.
Wrong! Lego®-based Therapy is a structured approach that is child-centred and evidenced-based. The problem is that a lot of educational staff are undertrain or inappropriately trained.
Let me stress this one again. If you’re properly trained then you should be able to assess, target, evaluate and re-assess to provide evidence of your child progress.
Statement no 5 – You are not able to deliver Lego®-based Therapy to non-verbal children or those who are colour blind.
By making special adaptations, use of visuals and use of alternative communication tools you can easily enable the learning process for all children. So, the answer to this question above is – NO!
Because you can support non-verbal and colour-blind children through LBTH.
By arranging your resources in a special way, you will be able to overcome the problem with colour blindness.
There is no such an inclusion barrier that it couldn’t be overcome by smart, skilled and highly trained Lego®-based Therapy facilitator.
OK, guys! There you have it!
I hope that you scored 5 out of 5.
Now, I would love to hear from you!
If you have more questions similar to those, we tackled today then please leave them in the comments underneath this video?
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Stay on your game because someone needs the special skills that you can only give.
OK, guys have a wonderful weekend, stay safe and I’ll see you on Bea Inclusive TV and Bea Inclusive Podcast.
Until the next time
Love and xxx