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Lego®-based Therapy Facilitator. Qualification. Bea Inclusive TV and Podcast Episode 003

Updated: May 29, 2023

Lego®-based Therapy Facilitator. Qualification. Inclusive TV and Podcast - Episode 003

In this episode you will find out:

What qualification and skills do you need to deliver Lego®-based Therapy interventions in the educational setting?

Hey there

I receive a lot of questions about the Lego®-based Therapy Facilitator qualification. Let’s check what Sarah from Bristol asked: Hi Bea, I’m the learning mentor in my school, and I would love to run Lego based Therapy intervention as we have so many unmet needs. However, I’m unsure what qualifications and skills are required to deliver this approach. I would appreciate your help as our children would benefit from it. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you so much for this question, Sarah.

And welcome to another episode of Bea Inclusive TV and Podcast. My name is Beata Bednarska, and this is the place to learn and develop your skills so you can teach and support children to improve their social communication skills.

Ok then,

Would you like to run Lego®-based Therapy in your setting but are unsure what skills you need to facilitate one? If the answer is yes, then this episode is for you!

I love Lego®-based Therapy as it can be used across the school with all children. On top of that, it works exceptionally well with special needs children, children with EAL, and all typically develop children who may be anxious, with low-esteem, emotionally immature or those who express challenging behaviour.

The potential is enormous, and the benefits are endless if you decide to use it as a whole school approach.

But to deliver a meaningful and effective intervention that is child-centred and evidenced-based means you have to possess the necessary skills.

What skills do you need?

The skills you need to be the Lego®-based Therapy Facilitator will depend on your starting point and the training provider you use.

Let me explain how it works in my Brick-by-Brick Academy.

If you have never delivered Lego®-based Therapy, you didn’t undertake at least a full day of training, or you self-educated yourself, and you are not sure if what you are providing is correct and you need the certificate. Then we are talking about Level 1 – Brick by Brick Lego®-based Therapy – how to organise and run your first 12 weeks of intervention.

Find out Bea Inclusive Lego®-based therapy facilitator. Qualification.
Lego®-based therapy facilitator. Qualification.

At Level 1 – you will learn about the following:

  • How to support children with autism and other communication difficulties

  • Lego®-based Therapy underpinning knowledge

  • How to support child development in the area of communication, language, social skills, emotional and behavioural responses and physical development

  • The main principles of Lego-based Therapy

  • How to host it?

  • How to assess, target and evaluate a child's progress

  • The Lego®-based Therapy Facilitator role

  • The curriculum for the first 12 weeks of Therapy and how to adapt, differentiate and generalise to fulfil the individual child's needs.

  • Different Levels of Lego®-based Therapy

  • How to model, teach and practise social skills through Lego®-based Therapy

  • Learn the necessary games, activities and building ideas to deliver within your first 12 weeks of Lego®-based Therapy.

Ok! That's Level 1!

Now let me tell you about Level 2 – Brick by Brick Advanced Lego®-based Therapy Facilitator Training.

To enter this training, you had to attend Level 1 training and deliver, at least once, your first 12 weeks of Lego®-based Therapy in your setting.

Find out this Lego®-based therapy facilitator. qualification example.
Lego®-based therapy facilitator. Qualification.

At Level 2 – you will learn about the following:

  • How to organise and run Lego®-based Therapy after the first 12 weeks

  • How to model and teach complex social skills through Lego®-based Therapy.

  • How to prepare the theory of mind through Lego®-based Therapy.

  • Learn the eclectic way of helping children with special needs.

  • Get through the advanced curriculum.

  • Learn games, activities and building projects to teach more complex social skills, independence, organisational skills, leadership skills, etc.

These training are suitable for those who teach and support children with social communication skills. So, if you are the Headteacher, SENCo, teacher, teaching assistant, COUNSELLOR, speech and language therapist or simply if you teach or support children with special educational needs (such as Autism), or if you prepare and support children's social skills and behaviour then this training is proper for you.

OK, guys, thank you so much for being here with me. I'm so fortunate that I can share with you my passion.

If you want to have a little more structure on how to help and support children's communication and social skills and how to organise and run your Lego®-based Therapy in your setting, get your butt into my Brick by Brick Academy.

Now, I would love to hear from you! Are you Lego®-based Therapy Facilitator?

Let me know what do you think of today’s episode and my giveaway schemes.

Make sure that you will come and say hello to me on @BeaInclusive on all the social media or in the comments on

Once you there be sure to subscribe to our email list and become a BI Insider. You going to get a huge pack of love, positivity and action-based learning.

Stay on your game because someone needs the special skills that you can only give.

OK guys have a wonderful weekend, stay safe and I’ll see you on Bea Inclusive TV and Bea Inclusive Podcast.

Until the next time

Love and xxx



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